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Flower That Stands For Strength

Flower That Stands For Strength
  • Product Code: JS104683
  • Availability: In Stock

$89.32 $129.51

The gladiolus flower is often associated with strength due to its tall and sturdy stem. In fact, the name "gladiolus" comes from the Latin word "gladius," which means sword, and was named after the shape of its leaves that resemble a sword. The gladiolus flower is also known for its vibrant colors, which can range from red, pink, and orange to purple, yellow, and white. It is often used in floral arrangements for special occasions such as graduations, weddings, and funerals. Additionally, the gladiolus flower is the birth flower for the month of August, which is associated with strength and resilience. Overall, the gladiolus flower is a symbol of strength, honor, and moral integrity.

flower that stands for strength

About This Product:

Realistic appearanc:Our artificial flowers have a realistic appearance that can easily be mistaken for real flowers. They are made of high-quality silk material that looks and feels like real flowers.

Durable and long-lastin:Our artificial flowers are made of high-quality silk material that is durable and long-lasting. They can withstand harsh weather conditions and can be used for outdoor wedding arch decor, party scene decor, window display, New Year shop decor, hotel floral arrangement, and more.

Customizabl:Our artificial flowers are customizable, and we can create flower arrangements that suit your specific needs. We offer a wide range of styles, sizes, and colors to choose from, and we can create flower arrangements for any occasion.

Low maintenanc:Our artificial flowers require very little maintenance compared to real flowers. They do not need to be watered, trimmed, or fertilized, and they will not wilt or die. They are perfect for people who want to enjoy the beauty of flowers without the hassle of maintenance.

Versatil:Our artificial flowers are versatile and can be used for a variety of occasions, including weddings, parties, home decor, hotel decor, office decor, events, and ceremonies. They can be used as curtain flowers, flower ball centerpieces, wall hanging florals, flower arrangements, garlands, corner flowers, and more.

Product Parameters
ClassificationArtificial Flowers
Flower StyleFlower Bouquet
Typewedding decor flower wall arrgement
OriginMainland China
stylecurtain flower/flower ball centerpieces/wall hanging floral/flower arrangement/garland/corner flower
package1 piece flower (without stand)
festival 1Christmas/New year/Wedding/Valentine's Day
festival 2Thanksgiving day/ party/Mother's day/Father's day
festival3Back to school/Earth day/Graduation/New year
occasionDIY Wedding/party/home/hotel/house/table/office/event/ceremony
WholesalesWholesales flower available
use forOutdoor wedding arch decor, party scene decor, window display, New Year shop decor, hotel floral arrangement

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Application Scenarios:

1. Hospital Decor: Artificial flowers that stand for strength can be used to decorate hospital rooms, waiting areas, and corridors. These flowers can be placed in vases or hung on walls to create a calming and uplifting environment for patients and their families. The flowers can also be used to create a positive atmosphere in the recovery rooms.

2. Graduation Ceremony: Artificial flowers that symbolize strength can be used as a decoration during graduation ceremonies. These flowers can be used to decorate the stage, the podium, and the graduation caps. The flowers can also be given as a gift to the graduates to symbolize their strength and perseverance.

3. Corporate Events: Artificial flowers that represent strength can be used as a decoration during corporate events such as conferences, seminars, and meetings. These flowers can be used to decorate the stage, the tables, and the reception area. The flowers can also be given as a gift to the attendees to inspire them to be strong and resilient.

4. Funeral Services: Artificial flowers that stand for strength can be used as a decoration during funeral services. These flowers can be placed on the casket, the altar, and the entrance of the funeral home. The flowers can also be given as a gift to the family members to show support and sympathy.

5. Home Decor: Artificial flowers that symbolize strength can be used as a decoration in homes. These flowers can be placed in vases, on shelves, and on tables to create a positive and inspiring atmosphere. The flowers can also be given as a gift to friends and family members who need encouragement and support.

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Product Advantages:

1. Long-lasting: Artificial flower decorations are long-lasting and do not wilt or die like real flowers. They can be used for a longer period of time, making them a cost-effective option.

2. Low maintenance: Unlike real flowers, artificial flower decorations do not require any special care or maintenance. They do not need to be watered, trimmed, or fertilized, making them a hassle-free option.

3. Allergy-free: Artificial flower decorations are perfect for people who suffer from allergies. They do not produce pollen or any other allergens, making them a safe option for everyone.

4. Versatile: Artificial flower decorations come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. They can be used to create any type of arrangement or design, making them a versatile option for any occasion.

5. Weather-resistant: Artificial flower decorations are not affected by weather conditions like real flowers. They can be used both indoors and outdoors, making them a great option for any event or occasion.

6. Eco-friendly: Artificial flower decorations are a sustainable option as they can be reused and recycled. They do not contribute to the waste generated by real flowers, making them an eco-friendly option for the environment.

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Related accessories:

1. Artificial Gladiolus Stem: Gladiolus is a flower that symbolizes strength, and an artificial gladiolus stem can be a great accessory for artificial flower decorations. The stem can be used to create beautiful arrangements that convey the message of strength.

2. Metal Flower Vase: A metal flower vase can be a great accessory for artificial flower decorations. The vase can be designed to look like a gladiolus flower, and it can be used to hold artificial gladiolus stems or other flowers that symbolize strength.

3. Floral Foam: Floral foam is a great accessory for artificial flower decorations. It can be used to hold artificial gladiolus stems or other flowers in place, and it can be cut to fit any size or shape of vase.

4. Ribbon: Ribbon can be used to add a decorative touch to artificial flower decorations. A ribbon in a color that symbolizes strength, such as red or purple, can be tied around a vase or used to create a bow on an arrangement.

5. Artificial Leaves: Artificial leaves can be used to add texture and depth to artificial flower decorations. Leaves in shades of green or brown can be used to create a natural-looking base for an arrangement, while leaves in metallic colors can add a touch of glamour.

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Related technologies:

1. Material selection: The latest application technologies of artificial flower decorations for strength-based flowers involve the use of high-quality materials that can withstand wear and tear. Materials such as silk, polyester, and latex are commonly used due to their durability and flexibility.

2. Color selection: The color of the flower is also an important consideration. For strength-based flowers, bold and vibrant colors such as red, orange, and yellow are often used to convey a sense of power and energy.

3. Design: The design of the flower should also reflect strength and resilience. Flowers with strong stems and large, sturdy petals are often used to create a sense of stability and power.

4. Texture: The texture of the flower is also important. Artificial flowers with a rough or textured surface can convey a sense of strength and resilience, while those with a smooth surface may appear delicate and fragile.

5. Lighting: The use of lighting can also enhance the strength-based theme of artificial flower decorations. Bright, focused lighting can highlight the bold colors and strong design of the flowers, creating a powerful visual impact.

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Product parameters:

Product Feature

flower that stands for strength6 flower that stands for strength7 flower that stands for strength8 flower that stands for strength9 flower that stands for strength10

Positive Reviews for ID 38294:


The flower is not only visually stunning but also carries a powerful message of strength. It's a perfect gift for someone going through a tough time.


This flower is a constant reminder of the strength we all possess within us. It's a beautiful and meaningful piece of nature.


The flower's delicate beauty combined with its representation of strength makes it a truly special gift.


I bought this flower as a symbol of strength for my friend, and she absolutely loved it. It's a meaningful and thoughtful gift.


I love how this flower represents strength. It's a beautiful reminder to stay strong and keep pushing forward.


The flower's vibrant colors and strong petals perfectly embody the concept of strength. It's a wonderful addition to any garden.


I love how this flower stands for strength. It's a powerful reminder to keep pushing forward, no matter what challenges come my way.


This flower is a symbol of strength and resilience. It brings a sense of hope and inspiration to anyone who sees it.


I was drawn to this flower because of its symbolism of strength. It's a constant reminder to stay strong and never give up.


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